Drama & Performance Theory

Primary Sources   I   Drama & Performance Theory

Antonin Artaud, Le Théâtre et son double (1938, The Theatre and Its Double, trans. M. C. Richards, 1958).

Christopher Balme, Decolonizing the Stage (1999).

Roland Barthes, Essais critiques (1964, Critical Essays, trans. Richard Howard, 1972).

Walter Benjamin, Der Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiels (1928, ed. Rolf Tiedemann, 1963, The Origin of German Tragic Drama, trans. John Osborne, 1977).

Rustom Bharucha, Theatre and the World (1990).

Herbert Blau, The Eye of Prey (1987).

Bertolt Brecht, Schriften zum Theater (1957, Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, ed. and trans. John Willett, 1964).

Sue-Ellen Case, Feminism and Theatre (1988).

Lodovico Castelvetro, Poetica d’Aristotele vulgarizzata e sposta (2 vols., 1978–79).

Una Chaudhuri, Staging Place (1995).

Hélène Cixous, "Aller à la mer" (1977, trans. Barbara Kerslake, Modern Drama 27 [1984]).

John Dennis, Critical Works (ed. Edward Niles Hooker, 2 vols., 1939–43).

Elin Diamond, Unmaking Mimesis (1997).

Denis Diderot, Diderot’s Writings on the Theatre (ed. F. C. Green, 1978).

Umberto Eco, "Semiotics of Theatrical Performance," The Drama Review 21 (1977).

Erika Fischer-Lichte, Semiotik des Theaters: Eine Einführung (1983, The Semiotics of Theater, trans. Jeremy Gaines, and Doris L. Jones, 1992).

Gustav Freytag, Technique of the Drama (1863, ed. Elias J. MacEwan, 1896).

Elinor Fuchs, The Death of Character (1996).

Stephen J. Greenblatt, Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare (1980).

Victor Hugo, Dramas (trans. I. G. Burnham, 10 vols., 1895–96).

Eugène Ionesco, Notes et contre-notes (1962, Notes and Counter-notes, trans. Donald Watson, 1964).

Georg Lukács, "The Sociology of Modern Drama," Tulane Drama Review 9 (1909, abr. trans. Lee Baxandell, 1965).

Jean-François Lyotard, "Le Dent, la paume," Les Dispotifs pulsionnels (1973).

August W. Schlegel, Über dramatische Kunst und Litteratur (2 vols., 1809–11, A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, trans. John Black, 1817, rev. A. J. W. Morrison, 1846).

George Bernard Shaw, Shaw on Theatre (ed. E. J. West, 1958).

Richard Wagner, Prose Works (trans. William Ashton Ellis, 8 vols., 1893–99)

Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature (1978).