Some materials in Special Collections and Archives can be borrowed on interlibrary loan. We loan principally to other UC special collections departments. Requests are carefully considered through a curatorial review process by the Head of Special Collections and Archives. We will not loan archival and manuscript materials, oversize materials, or materials at-risk due to their fragile condition. Requests are approved if they can be met without damaging and/or endangering rare and unique materials. Requests are sometimes filled by the provision of facsimile copies (i.e., photocopy or digital scan) in lieu of the original. depending on the condition of the material being requested.
Search both Library Search and Melvyl to determine if a circulating copy of the item you are seeking exists before initiating an interlibrary loan request for materials in Special Collections and Archives. You may also wish to consult your library's reference or interlibrary loan department staff for assistance in locating alternate editions that may be more readily accessible for loan.
We always make direct loans to the receiving special collections department. Loaned materials may be used only in the special collections reading room at the borrowing library. Contact your local special collections or interlibrary loan department. If appropriate, they will contact us to request the item.
Some Special Collections and Archives materials are located at SRLF (Southern Regional Library Facility). Library Search identifies the location as "SRLF Storage". Request this material at the reference desk in the Special Collections and Archives reading room. Materials usually arrive from SRLF within two days. A limit of ten archival boxes can be requested at one time from SRLF due to limits on space in our reading room.
If you have questions, please contact us.